February 18, 2010

Rhythms of objects: Carlo Carrà

Rhythms of objects: Carlo Carrà
Rhythms of Objects (Ritmi di Oggetti) belonged to the early Futurist phase and was one of a series of paintings in which Carrà clearly oriented himself to French Cubism, for he did not share Boccioni's radical rejection of Cubism as a style that traditionally cleaved to the object. In 1899-1900, on the occasion of the World Exposition, the young artist had spent his first protracted period in Paris. In autumn 1911 he made his second trip there, and met Picasso, Braque, Gleizes, Lèger and many others artists of the young French avant-garde. Like the Cubists, Carrà involved himself with the approch of the old master of modernism, Paul Cézanne( 1839-1906). Cézanne once demonstrated the way his pictorial structure worked by interlocking his fingers. Carrà , too, took this interlocking of forms as his model.